On May 24, the Department of Health arrived at our Home to begin the eagerly awaited Covid-19 vaccination rollout. All our Independent Residents over the age of 60 years were successfully vaccinated, bringing to an end months and months of anxiety and frustration with restrictive Covid protocols.
While masks still need to be worn and hands regularly sanitized, there is huge relief in knowing that, even if they are exposed to Covid-19, our residents will be only mildly affected and will not succumb to the disease.
Knowing that older people are more susceptible to the disease, our Home put in place stringent measures last year, such as no visitors, mandatory wearing of masks within the grounds, and vigilant safety precautions to ensure that any staff, suppliers and vehicles entering the property were screened and sanitized. As a result, we have been fortunate not to have lost a single resident to the disease.
Grateful thanks to the efficient team from the Department of Health for making it a smooth and painless experience for our residents. They look forward to receiving their second jabs within the next month, after which hopefully life can return to some semblance of normality.